There is no place like The Well.

refreshing every woman. every child. every city.

Our Mission

The Well was created to be a place of refreshment for every woman who walks through our doors. The issues facing women today are real. Working from home can be very isolating. More than half of young moms report experiencing extreme loneliness. They also often experience financial stress. The average childcare cost is nearly half the average woman’s income for just one child. 

We know, we’ve been there…

These are the real issues that led us to create The Well. Women need a space to go after their dreams, use their gifts, and grow together in community – all while their children are safe, learning, and having so much fun.

Childcare for infants, for working moms, in San Diego
Community for women and co-working with childcare in San Diego

“This place is more than a co-working space. It’s a dream come true for working moms, a way to be fully themselves again.”

Adrienne, Well Member

The Well is a place for every woman … no matter their need.

Giving Back

We are a non-profit organization, which means our profit goes back into the organization to fund membership scholarships and community-building events.

We partner with other nonprofits to extend our reach and impact. Together, we provide valuable resources, employment opportunities, and mentorship to women in transition out of crises such as domestic violence, human trafficking, and homelessness.

a note from our founder

hey mama,

Life with little ones can be isolating and exhausting, and the mom guilt that comes with putting them in front of a screen while you work can be debilitating.

We are a new generation of moms. We know the importance of quality time with our children. We know that we are the ones who can provide a happy life for them. We are working so hard to raise good people. But we are running on fumes.

I read somewhere recently, “Happy women are fulfilled women.” This resonated with me deeply. What does it mean to be fulfilled? I think to me it means a lot of things- not the least of which is a giant turkey sub - but in the context of parenting, I think it means being filled full - so I have something to give them. 

I am filled full when I’m loved, supported, and encouraged. I am fulfilled when I am using my gifts, degree, training, experience, and talents - AS WELL as being a mom. Being a fulfilled mom is not just good for us - it’s good for our families, our communities, and our world. 

At The Well, we support your need for community and creativity. We believe we have the answer for your work-life balance. Here, you don’t have to choose between family and career. We’re an affordable, FUN place to get your work done while your kids are next door. 

And the kids - my goodness, the kids - they are having so much fun! They are learning! They are playing! They are making best friends. They are safe. They are loved. They are close by. In this world - nothing means more than being close to our people.

Just wait til the mom guilt melts away as you ease into one of our workstations or onto our comfy couch. Soon, you’ll realize as one of our members said recently that “what would normally take me a week working at home, I can get done in four hours here.”

Which she realized is a very good thing - because it’s giving her plenty of time to have grown up conversation with the other members each day as she wraps up her day’s professional work and gets ready for her mom work. She can be seen in her IG stories exploring San Diego with other moms and kids she met at The Well. 

I’m telling you, this place is great. And it’s only getting better. 

And the best part is- your membership helps a woman or child in need receive our services for free. You are giving back to your community simply by being a part of this one. 

Let us know if you have any questions. I can’t wait to meet you soon.